Acute Stronghold Postmortem (Ludum Dare 41)

In December, I participated in my first Ludum Dare Jam. I always wanted to try it out, but I always missed the deadline. LD40 was a lot for me because I was working alone during a big jam. Eventually I made it through and got honest feedback from other jammers. 

That brings us to Ludum Dare 41 and my submission of Acute Stronghold. While looking through the posts of, I saw someone mention that they were putting together all of the code that they needed before the jam. I thought that this was an amazing way to go about LD. Why not create a game and simple tweek it to fit the theme. In other words, don’t become attached to my idea. 


Thursday: I spent all day Thursday creating notes for my concept. I have a major project that I am working on. Slowly I am trying to throw out small portions of the game into the community to see the reactions. I decided to create a dungeon crawler after playing NITW a few days before. 

Originally I wanted a four level dungeon, but I haven’t made any games where the player attacks. So I thought what can I do to make this game non-violent? I looked online for things that made dungeon crawlers unique. I forgot what triggered the thought, but I decided to pull an Undertale. I would make the dungeon crawler like normal, but add in an extra mechanic that the player can interact with the creatures. 


Friday: I spent the day trying to relax. This way by the time the theme was announced, I would be ready to tackle the monster known as Ludum Dare. 9PM came and the theme turned out to be Combine 2 Incompatible Genres. Since I already planned the game with the dungeon crawler theme, I figured the best 2nd theme would be math based. My big project will be an edutainment game and I figured this would be a great way to test how an edutainment game will be accepted in the gaming community. The first thing that I did was use my go to art programs (DISCLAIMER: I am not an artist) MS Paint & MagicaVoxel. I started creating the assets that I listed down the night before. So far so good! My jam was right on track with the schedule I created. Another important note is that at GDC18, a big topic that many of my mentors (both AAA and Indie devs) mentioned was self-care. For LD41, I decided that I would test out what everyone told me. I would take care of myself by eating well, taking breaks, and sleeping at least 7 hours a night.


Saturday: Today is when the fun began. I scheduled my day with a three-hour break for lunch and dinner. I was to stop my day at midnight and I had every item planned to make sure that I had used enough time wisely.  Everything went smooth until I had to code the interaction piece. This took up all of my time and created a lot of frustration for me. 

I ended up cutting my breaks about an hour short and stopped working at 2 AM. 


Sunday: I slept in late because I wanted to make sure that I got enough sleep. For today, I scheduled a shorter break for lunch and dinner. I ended up still focusing on level one’s interaction and attack mechanics. I wanted to increase the player’s health points, but ended up not being able. I tried to have a rejuvenation health system, but wasn’t able to get it to work. I wanted to have health in boxes and have the player break the boxes to gain health, but I was too lazy. I fixed the health and interaction trigger boxes so that the player doesn’t have to be too close to interact, but close-ish to attack. I barely took a lunch because I was so focused, which made me a bit upset because, I was breaking my self-care rule. 

I ended up stopping work on level one and focused my attention to a boss level with the same concept on a smaller scale. I was able to code the interaction portion successfully on a one-to-one (player vs enemy) basis. I was working on the interaction code again, but I kept getting an error message, which was weird. I have been coding the same way all weekend.


Monday: Today, is my last day to work! I realized that Sunday night I was so exhausted from looking at code that I was declaring a line!...rookie mistake, but good thing I went to bed on time. Once I woke up all the creative juices started to flow and I was knocking out code left and right. I felt good about myself. I decided to once again skip the interaction code for all of the enemies and work on other things. So I finished up the music, additional assets, credits, ending, and cleaned up the game with any buttons, triggers, or colliders that I missed. After everything basic was completed, I decided to do a workaround for the interaction code. I decided since I had the code work for one creature instead of multiple, that I would just have one creature know the pass code and everyone else just attacks the player. However, I didn’t want it to be too easy by just giving them a pass code to type in. My solution was to make it a math problem for the player to solve to get the pass code. 

Then I filled in all of my levels with enemies. My goal was to make the levels easy. There is a way for the player to get through all of the levels, including the bosses, and only losing one Health Point. 


Submitting my game: This was my panicking moment. Through all of the frustration and scheduling of time, I was able to create a game without having to technically do “crunch time”. Those nights of staying up late or cutting short a break was me being too focused on the project not because I needed to stay on schedule and was behind. Those moments, I honestly didn’t get much done, which proves that working longer doesn’t mean you will get stuff done. While making sure that my LD page and page were matching and correct, I was freaking out about the time. I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for my submission. I would upload to check that my HUD was within the frame,  that all enemies attacked the player, and that all colliders were placed properly. Once I hit publish for both page, I felt good!. I felt like I was able to eat properly and sleep well without overdoing. For LD40, I ate only junk food and had a max of 4 hours of sleep. 


              Lesson learned

I can get the same amount of work done with proper sleep and food than if I crunched the entire time. Self care is very important and if I were on a team, I would only benefit them with the correct amount of self-caring. 

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